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Posts by category
- Category: ANCA CPR
- Category: Annual Reports
- Category: Clean Energy
- Category: Equity & Inclusion
- Category: Food Systems
- Category: New Economy News
- Category: Opportunities with ANCA
- Category: Press Release
- Northern Lights School Grant Will Fund Critical Building Upgrades
- ANCA Partners with Local Chambers to Expand Small Business Services
- Adirondack Diversity Initiative Launches Welcoming and Belonging Micro-credential
- North Country Groups Applaud State’s Expansion of Food Waste Reduction Law
- ANCA Board of Directors Welcomes Glens Falls Ornament Maker
- Adirondack Diversity Initiative Symposium Aims to Engage, Inspire and Empower
- Federal Grants Available for Energy Projects That Reduce Business Costs
- ANCA’s Seventh Bike the Barns Set for September 21
- ANCA and Business Transition Partners Seek Input from Retiring Business Owners
- ANCA Board Welcomes Energy and Cooperative Development Experts
- ANCA Annual Meeting Celebrates Community Leaders
- ANCA Board Welcomes Two New Directors
- ANCA Convenes Stakeholders and Community Leaders for 2024 Clean Energy Conference
- NETI Announces Fellowship to Expand Exit Planning Support for Small Businesses
- Two More North Country Farms Receive Small Farm Loans
- Municipal Stakeholders Invited to Clean Energy Funding Webinar
- Center for Businesses in Transition Announces 2024 Team and Programs
- ANCA Celebrates Local Clean Energy Communities as New State Grants Open
- ANCA Center for Pandemic Response Supports Over 300 Businesses and Nonprofits
- Two Saranac Lake Businesses Gain Community Support Through Crowdfunding
- Compost Advocates Present Workshops on Food Waste Reduction
- ANCA Annual Meeting Focuses on Building Belonging
- ANCA and Bike Adirondacks Announce Bike the Barns Route and Farm Stops
- Reber Rock Farm Installs Freezer, Expands Sales Capacity with Small Farm Loan
- ANCA Welcomes Andrew Foster to its Board of Directors
- ANCA Board Honors Nancy LaBombard for 30 Years of Service
- Aspiring Small Business Owners Invited to Tour North Country Communities
- Adirondack Diversity Initiative Allocated $420,000 in 2024 State Budget
- ANCA Awarded $40K Lake Champlain Basin Artist-in-Residence Program Grant
- Clean Energy Conference Focuses on Community Benefits of State and Federal Policies
- Adam Pearsall Joins ANCA’s Board of Directors
- Donahue’s Livestock Farms Receives Small Farm Loan for New Butcher Shop
- ANCA Awarded $558K USDA Grant for Climate Smart Project
- ANCA Hires New Director for Adirondack Diversity Initiative
- Entrepreneurs Wanted: CBIT Conference Fosters Small Business Connections
- Tupper Lake Food Hub Awarded $500K Grant Through USDA
- ANCA Selected by NYSERDA to Establish Clean Energy Hub for the North Country
- $100,000 National Grid Grant Supports Center for Businesses in Transition
- Free Welcoming and Belonging Workshops Offered in Plattsburgh and Glens Falls this Month
- AdkAction and ANCA Announce Three Grants for Compost for Good
- ANCA Seeks New Director for Adirondack Diversity Initiative as Hylton-Patterson Steps Down
- Clarkson University’s Kelly Chezum Elected First Woman Chair at ANCA
- ANCA and Foodshed Capital Announce First Small Farm SOIL Loan
- ANCA Annual Meeting Focuses on the Future
- ANCA and ADI Offer Free Workshop on Welcoming and Belonging in the Workplace
- Learning Sessions to Address Local Affordable Housing Crisis
- ANCA invites small businesses to access free and low-cost services
- New Owners Take the Helm at Iconic Belvedere Restaurant Property
- ANCA Welcomes Two Energy Leaders to its Board of Directors
- Category: Publications
- Category: Regional Job Openings
- Category: Regional Press Coverage
- DASNY invests $320K in Northern Lights School
- ANCA partners with local chambers to expand small business services
- Adirondack Diversity Initiative launches new virtual micro-credential
- ANCA program heads composting coalition
- The 2024 Trailblazers in Economic Development
- Guiding the Adirondacks toward inclusivity
- ADI Symposium aims to engage, inspire, empower
- Saranac Lake farmers market transitions for the winter
- Clinton Co. Health Dept. awarded $200K to reduce food waste
- Bike the Barns connects cyclists with Adirondack farms
- The power of ‘pee-cycling’: Longtime compost enthusiasts turn to human urine
- Words of wisdom for teens taking environmental action
- Jay facility turns urine into compost
- Bike the Barns set for Sept. 21
- Adirondack Diversity Initiative 2024 Symposium Set for November 12th
- ANCA surveys businessowners on succession plans
- North Country composting efforts tackle climate change, promote community
- A Pioneering Commitment to Diversity
- Town of Plattsburgh gets $10K Clean Energy Community Award
- Uniting over compost
- New York climate law faces criticism over costs, power reliability amid recent outages
- TACC recognized for regional development leadership
- Dozens sign petition to rename ‘N***o Hill’ after Murry family
- ‘I felt betrayed’
- New mural celebrates belonging
- Taking pride to the streets
- ‘Cycling’ ownership at the bike shop
- Shifting focus from Western science to Indigenous knowledge
- ANCA Convenes Stakeholders and Community Leaders for 2024 Clean Energy Conference
- Compost for Good promoting food waste reduction in region
- ANCA provides much-needed loans to local farms
- Adirondack North Country Association hosts meeting on Clean Energy Communities program
- “Inspire and Ignite” Women in Business Conference well-attended
- Celebrate Black creatives all year round
- Compost for Good is reimagining waste with North Country towns, businesses
- Free advice on energy efficiency
- Why the Confederate flag is so highly problematic
- Adirondack Diversity Initiative reaches for more inclusion
- Next Move NY aims to turn Fort Drum into a workforce pipeline for the North Country
- ANCA’s CBIT matchmaking program helps businesses transition
- Co-op makes case before concerned neighbors
- Lake Placid housing co-op moves forward
- ANCA celebrates Local Clean Energy Communities as grants open
- ANCA Center for Pandemic Response supports 300+ businesses, nonprofits
- Lake Placid Housing Co-op to host informational meeting
- Two Saranac Lake businesses crowdfunding
- Residents, organizations gather to discuss housing solutions
- Workshops on reducing food waste, this week in the Adirondacks
- Housing solutions: A recap from the series
- Amplifying diverse voices in the Adirondacks
- Adirondack groups hopeful for climate corps recruits
- Jay designated a clean energy community
- Business expo draws crowds to civic center
- Taking Stock of Housing: The role of nonprofits
- Harrietstown to host North Country Clean Energy Hub presentation
- John Thomas Brook name change made official
- Biking, farms, food and fun
- ANCA annual meeting, Sept. 8
- Excitement builds for annual Bike the Barns
- Paper, fabric and creative dream houses in Saranac Lake
- Reber Rock Farm uses SOIL Loan Fund to upgrade business
- Regional hate and bias prevention council kicks off
- Dave Cilley passes on the paddle
- Retired environmental lawyer joins ANCA board
- ANCA honors LaBombard for 30 years of service
- Gillibrand promotes $50B Rebuild Rural America bill in Lake Placid
- A celebration of freedom
- Harnessing energy with small blades
- Large crowd celebrates grand opening of Applewood Orchards in Rensselaer Falls
- Help is on the way: Cooperative housing
- Clean energy hub: Helping Jefferson Co. connect to energy saving programs
- St. Lawrence County farmer aims to improve local food access
- What could climate migration could mean for the Adirondacks?
- Village waits for green light on green energy
- Climate Smart Communities Program explained during virtual webinar
- Small-business owners invited to tour North Country
- ANCA Clean Energy Conference will explore community incentives and challenges
- Art shows hope amid dark history
- Adirondack diversity funding increased in new budget
- Geography of Grace, new dance film directed by Tiffany Rea-Fisher
- Adirondack lawmakers, advocates applaud environmental funding in the NY budget
- ANCA awarded $40K Lake Champlain Artist-in-Residence grant
- Sun’s out, power’s on. Whallonsburg Grange unveils rooftop solar array
- Building a home for energy efficiency and renewables
- ANCA secures SOIL Loan for local family farm
- Meet the new director of the Adirondack Diversity Initiative
- ANCA awarded $558K USDA grant for climate smart projects
- Town of Newcomb recipient of high flow drum composter
- First Friday fosters community, connections in Saranac Lake
- Adirondack Diversity Initiative hires new director
- Tupper Lake: ADK Food Hub Awarded $500K Grant Through USDA
- Governor Hochul Announces $52 Million in Awards for Regional Clean Energy Hubs to Connect New York Communities with Clean Energy Resources
- Development Authority taps ANCA for new energy program
- Adirondack non-profit wins $4 million grant to create green energy hub
- ADK Food Hub receives $500K USDA grant
- Free workshops for small businesses and nonprofits
- $170K helps grow composting program
- Adirondack Center for Businesses in Transition Get $100k Grant
- Report provides inclusion ‘blueprint’ for New York’s outdoors
- Former ADK Diversity Initiative director reflects on police reform, race, and the future
- Virtual symposium continues dialogues about racial and environmental justice
- Clarkson University’s Kelly Chezum Elected First Woman Chair at ANCA
- ADK Diversity Initiative director takes new job
- Former ADK Diversity Initiative director reflects on police reform, race, and the future
- Community Art Project invites public to share housing stories
- Many prepare for a future where composting is required
- Seeing fields on wheels: Cyclists tour area farms for Bike the Barns event
- Community Art Project sheds light on housing issues, solutions
- Adirondack Diversity Initiative executive director steps down
- Free communication workshop for businesses upcoming
- Passing of the torch at Adirondack Awards
- New Lake Placid housing on the horizon?
- ANCA invites small businesses to access free and low-cost services
- Adirondack Cooperative Housing Learning Sessions Planned
- Business help available
- New York leads the country with ambitious climate goals – acting on those depends partly on local volunteer task forces
- New owners take the helm at Belvedere Restaurant
- ANCA launches fund to aid farmers
- ANCA launches zero-interest loan program
- Adirondack Experience to host racial and environmental justice series starting May 31
- Ribbon cutting to mark historic store’s transition
- Adirondack Buyer Days Set for March 29th
- Policing for community
- State budget includes funding for Adirondacks projects
- New name and host for Lake Placid, Saranac Lake Farmers’ Markets
- Bike the Barns to return October in Champlain Valley
- County organizations guide North Country entrepreneurs to success
- Diversifying the Adirondacks, one whitewater rafting trip (or hike) at a time
- Pearsall Foundation Announces Grant Awards
- Clarkson University Honors Retired ANCA Executive Director Kate Fish with Bertrand H. Snell Award for Community Service
- Black Summit Steward, a first for Adirondack club, pushes for POC to connect with nature
- How to make the Adirondacks more welcoming? This alliance has a blueprint
- From employees to owners: Ward Lumber crew feels good about big transition
- Building Back in the North Country: New center focuses on post-pandemic business recovery
- Guaranteeing access is part of the solution to COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among some marginalized groups
- Schumer, Gillibrand announce $1+ million in fed investment headed to Adirondack North Country for pandemic response planning
- U.S. Department of Commerce invests $6 million in CARES Act recover assistance to support resiliency efforts in New York
- ANCA awarded almost $1.3M for small business aid
- For employees, a good time to own a lumber yard
- In historic move, Ward Lumber transitions ownership to cooperative
- Employee-ownership can prevent job losses and closures when North Country business owners retire
- Ward Lumber now in employees’ hands
- Ward Lumber completes historic transition to employee ownership
- Ward Lumber Transitions Ownership to Employees
- Ward Lumber transitions ownership
- Ward Lumber completes historic transition to employee ownership
- ANCA Seeks New Executive Director
- Micro-Grants Assist Environmentally Friendly Adk Farms, Food
- Adirondack North Country not-for-profit director to retire
- State Theater to reopen
- ANCA’s Annual Artisan Trade Show Goes Virtual
- New owners take the helm
- David Heidecorn Joins ANCA’s Board of Directors
- Diversity Initiative offers to help police meet reform mandate
- Adirondack Diversity Initiative announces community policing program
- Adirondack Diversity Initiative organizes free police training
- Join the Small Communities. Big Opportunities Virtual Conference!
- Matchmaking for business buyers and sellers
- First Person: The Future of Small Businesses, Writing for Mental Health, Fly Fishing on the Salmon River
- Upcoming virtual conference to connect aspiring entrepreneurs to North Country businesses
- Podcast: Dani Delaini, Center for Businesses in Transition
- Essex Sheriff’s Office hosts panel on racial sensitivity
- Clean Energy grant program open to No. Co. communities
- Adirondack Diversity Initiative seeks more funding for agenda
- Small communities offer big opportunities
- Electric avenue
- Recent Successful North Country Business Transitions
- Conference aimed at new entrepreneurs
- NY reps pitch the Rebuild Rural America Act
- Energy conservation also conserves cash
- 2020 EXPLORED: Diversity, anti-racism
- ON THE SCENE: Adirondack Diversity Initiative begins year two
- Adirondack Wild honors Hylton-Patterson for diversity work
- Adirondack Wild honors Diversity Initiative director
- ADI Director receives award from Adirondack Wild
- ADI Director receives award from Adirondack Wild
- Small Biz Center launches Buy Local or Bye-Bye Local campaign
- VW Settlement funds advance clean transportation in NYS and Akwesasne
- Public Feedback Sought for Scenic Byway Signs
- Grant to implement composting programs
- Grants totaling $625,000 awarded to Cooperative Development Institute
- Clarkson faculty to discuss community needs at Clean Transportation Summit
- ANCA’s annual meeting focuses on racial equity
- ANCA makes diversity the focus of annual meeting
- A place for all
- Being Black in the Adirondacks: Why the drive to boost diversity is complex, and personal
- Diversity director to ‘double down’ on fighting racism since graffiti
- A new Black leader works to build a more diverse, inclusive Adirondacks
- State environmental justice initiatives unveiled
- The long game
- ADKX launches new discussion series
- Adirondack Experience to discuss racism in the Adirondacks with series
- ON THE SCENE: The next steps for justice reform, fighting racism
- Common Ground Alliance Forum to be held virtually
- Common Ground Alliance Forum
- Panel explains how to be ‘anti-racist’
- Adirondack Diversity Initiative hosts 1st ‘listen in’ event
- Racism in the Adirondacks: Online meetings target it and what can be done
- Panel explains how to be ‘anti-racist’
- #ClickLocal may buoy small businesses through pandemic
- ANCA Listen-In program
- Rad Dad contest invites local businesses to collaborate on gift packages for Father’s Day
- AdkAction announces “Compost for Good”
- Grant Program to Support Local Food System In Crisis
- Grant Program to Support Local Food System Amid COVID-19 Crisis
- ‘Mother Nature’ bonds proposed at critical time for New York’s climate resilience, backers say
- North Country groups give wish lists for $3B Restore Mother Nature Bond Act
- Four Essex Co. farms get grants
- Local Clean Energy Transportation Summit Planned
- Small business strategy workshop coming to Lake Placid
- Design Plans For Low Cost Rotary Drum
- Adirondack North Country Association summit aims to develop ‘a clean transportation roadmap for the region’
- ANCA Announces Local Farm Grant Recipients
- Four Essex County farms receive grant funds
- New director vitalizes diversity initiative
- Adirondack Diversity Initiative director seeks to enrich park life
- Diversity director wants to meet Adirondackers
- Over $2M Invested in North Country Clean Energy
- People News: Adirondack Diversity Initiative appoints first director
- Paul Smith’s College tries to buck declining enrollment trend
- Adirondack Diversity Initiative welcomes first director
- ANCA wraps up two clean energy programs this year
- With state funding, Adirondack Diversity Initiative hires first director
- Adirondack Diversity Initiative welcomes first director
- Adirondack Diversity Initiative hires first director
- Adirondack Diversity Initiative Hires Director
- Grant monies available for upstate farms
- Local Farm Grant Program Launched
- North Country at Work: Sally Strasser runs the movie theater in Tupper Lake
- ANCA launches local farm grants
- ‘Bike the Barns’ tour lands in Tri-Lakes region this month
- Saranac Lake Music Fest, Farm to Fork This Weekend
- Keep me composted
- Fixes for hotel
- Giant composters catch on
- St. Lawrence County school using composter to turn food wast into organic material
- Hotel Saranac installs EV charging station
- Hotel Saranac installs EV charging station
- Adirondack Diversity Initiative Seeks Director
- Adirondack Common Ground Alliance Holding Annual Meeting Wednesday
- Grant To Make Purchasing Local Food Easier
- Essex County WIC Program Food and Fun Fridays
- Hermon-DeKalb Central among six schools in NY to receive Green Schools Grant for recycling projects
- ANCA Announces 2019 FarmShare Fund Recipients
- ANCA helps shift boomer businesses to new owners
- ANCA awards mini grants to local food projects
- Business transition workshop May 8 in Saranac Lake
- Building owners, managers sought for energy assessments
- Tucker Farms to serve as Bike the Barns start, finish
- State spends on making Adirondacks more diverse
- Can the Adirondack Park be a welcoming place to all visitors?
- Bike the Barns highlights mountain farming
- E-bikes charge into the Adirondacks
- Regional Center for Businesses in Transition launches 2019 programs
- The Strength of Family Business in a New Market
- Grant funds food-security projects
- Nonprofit Takes Leadership Role to Address Business Succession “Tsunami”
- Keeping No. Co. businesses alive
- Tucker Farms Hosting 2019 Bike the Barns
- Franklin County LDC announces partnership to help businesses in transition
- Who is next in line?
- Adirondack sign project seeks community input
- Regional Center for Businesses in Transition launches 2019 programs
- New program to ease business transitions in North Country
- Lewis and St. Lawrence county representatives are key in business transition program
- Center for Businesses in Transition Moves Forward
- Regional Center for Businesses in Transition helping retiring North Country business owners find successors
- Winter Food Summit at Wild Center
- Adirondack Regional Economic Analysis Released
- Study: North Country growth areas are tourism, manufacturing, agriculture
- National Grid Investment Helps Adirondack North Country Association Build Foundation for Regional Business Growth
- Fall farmer’s markets events in Saranac Lake, Upper Jay
- EYE ON BUSINESS: ANCA helping businesses and new owners with transition
- North Country, Canadian officials bet on farmers
- Poutine, pommes et fromage
- Light switch: Village of Burke to convert street lights to LED fixtures to cut costs
- Small high-tech lights to equal big savings at Ogdensburg’s Remington Museum
- Tupper Lake has become an electric car charging hub
- ANCA report details investment opportunities
- NYSERDA accepting bids for energy credits from several local wind projects still under consideration
- Adirondack North Country Association Adds Smoke as Board Member
- Town of Plattsburgh puts Clean Energy award to work
- ANCA aims to keep businesses running after retirement
- Common Ground Alliance sets good example for leadership
- Old Canton Jubilee market becoming ‘entrepreneur accelerator,’ ANCA to establish business center
- Goats and More at Third Annual Bike the Barns
- Low-cost crypto heat, renewable energy takes center stage at Plattsburgh summit
- Westport earns Clean Energy title
- Cryptocurrency mining summit held at PSU
- Cryptomining seminar doesn’t sway village officials
- North Country group helps retiring businesses find buyers
- SUNY, Plattsburgh community mull how to cope with crypto currency craze
- Cryptocurrency Summit Occurring In Plattsburgh
- Rouses Point imposes cryptocurrency ban
- Volunteers step in to help green Keene
- ANCA Forms Center for Businesses in Transition
- Senator Gillibrand Promotes Bill That Would Help Small Businesses Transition to Employee Ownership
- Gillibrand announces bill to aid employee-owned businesses
- Gillibrand announces bill to help employee-owned businesses and co-ops
- Northern New York Group Helps Entrepreneurs with Crowdfunding Program
- New initiative sparks local business growth
- Adirondack Buyer Days: Artisan and Retailer Marketplace
- Former Willsboro IGA to see new life as makerspace
- RACOG members told about LED upgrades
- North Country at Work: resurrecting The Strand movie theatre in Old Forge
- North Country at Work: In Glens Falls The Shirt Factory offers local artists and businesses a community
- Farms in Canton and Potsdam get grants to supply fruits, vegetables to area schools
- Ogdensburg sets goals as part of Clean Energy Communities program
- Drive for 25 gives mini grants to local farms to provide food for local schools
- Winter recreation maps available soon
- Cuomo seeks changes to school lunch programs
- Biomass warms up
- Local leaders join ANCA’s board
- North Country at Work: resurrecting The Strand movie theatre in Old Forge
- Farms And Food: A Bike the Barns 2017 Recap
- ANCA’s New Board Members, Annual Meeting Report
- Bike the Barns draws double the crowd
- Salad bar pilot program implemented at Wiley Intermediate School
- Assemblywoman sees farm to school program in action at Hermon-Dekalb
- Eating for the economy
- Adirondack North Country Association holding annual meeting in Massena
- Talk aims to boost art-driven economy
- North Country revitalization through the arts
- Downtown revitalization presentation Tuesday
- Applications being accepted for Adirondack Buyer Days North artisan trade show on Sept. 10
- Bike the Barns Offers New Routes, Farm Stops
- North country woman appointed to NYSERDA board
- Kate Fish Joins NYSERDA Board Of Directors
- Meeting, vote set on Kate Mountain Park Community Center
- Lewis County named first Clean Energy Community in north country
- New bike event lets people tour local farms
- Bike the Barns Tours The Champlain Valley
- Exploring the Champlain Valley’s farms by bike
- Bike the Barns is next Saturday
- New York Fed Launches Community Advisory Group
- Peru Central nets garden grant
- Area Farm to School programs funded
- Lewis solar project schedule compressed, early-July start now planned
- Biking the Barns in the Champlain Valley
- Solar campaign to see kickoff this weekend
- State budget awards millions to agriculture, thousands for farm business and education programs
- Assemblywoman touting $300,000 farm-to-school program included in new state budget
- North Country at Work: Making ‘local’ whiskey in Keene
- Hub on the Hill wins grant for solar-run refrigerated truck
- Grant to fuel solar-powered delivery truck
- Little, Jones highlight state budget proposals
- Father-son vision
- North Elba to install biodigester in the fall
- The Conservation Fund Announces Eleven Recipients of Transporting Healthy Food Grants
- Champlain continues push to go green
- Follow Roosevelt’s path to presidency
- Ad’k North Country Association welcomes new board members
- Makerspace Event Brings Together Makers, Hackers, DIYers
- Advisers available for municipal clean energy projects
- Grant allots funds to bring local produce to public schools, challenges ensue
- Adirondack Buyer Days trade show planned for Oct. 23 in Potsdam
- Progress on funding, timeline for E’town Sewer Treatment Plant
- Progress on funding, timeline for E’town Sewer Treatment Plant
- Home Articles Opinions Sports Public Notices Events Advertisements Printing About Rivermede Farm looks to grow food year-round
- ANCA names new three new board members
- ANCA Annual Meeting Upends Assumptions
- ANCA welcomes new board members
- ANCA to present wood-supply analysis report
- No easy answers to community revitalization, say ANCA attendees
- Cyclists Head for Barns
- Bike the Barns draws 100+ people
- Bike the Barns is Next Saturday
- Bike the Barns Supports North Country Farms
- Rutland mayor briefs New Yorkers on refugee resettlement
- Bike the Barns – A Cycling Tour Connects Small Farms in New York’s Champlain Valley
- Diversity group tackles tough questions
- Diversity group tackles tough questions
- Adirondack North Country Association welcomes three new board members
- Adirondack diversity council to host symposium
- Ten St. Lawrence County schools express interest in farm-to-school pilot program
- Diversity, economics, social justice to intersect at symposium
- New event takes bike riders farm to farm
- Adirondack Common Ground Alliance Holds Tenth Annual Meeting
- Solarize Adirondack Coast Campaign hires installers
- ADK Farm to School named tops in NYS
- New state law may bring more locally grown foods to school cafeterias
- Assemblywoman Russell wants to bring locally produced food into area schools with Farm to School bill
- Clarkson students present recommendations for economic growth in Adirondack towns
- ‘Solarize’ Campaigns target North Country
- Solarize Adirondack Coast campaign enters beginning stages
- State budget includes minimum wage hike, paid family leave, other perks; lawmakers around St. Lawrence County react
- Round 2 of Solarize campaign coming
- Ogdensburg Chamber of Commerce seeking volunteers to help homeowners, businesses install solar energy
- ANCA to host discussion with area entrepreneurs
- BUSINESS: USDA grant moves Hub on the Hill toward 2016 marketing, distribution
- Aid priorities: hospital, Tupper, Olympics
- Local producers to sell their wares to businesses at St. Lawrence County Chamber's Buyer Days wholesale-only show in Potsdam
- Pearsall Foundation announces grants to non-for-profit groups
- Remembering the life of Henry Parnass
- Local Solar Push Shines
- Northern NY Food Hub Survey Preliminary Results Available
- Mountains and valleys
- Lt. Governor praises "Common Ground" approach in the Adirondacks
- An Inclusive Adirondacks Accessibility Webinar
- Lt. Gov. emphasizes balance in Adirondack speech
- Common Ground Alliance Discusses Adirondack Issues
- State initiative promotes shares in renewable energy for low-income New Yorkers
- Common Ground Alliance brings results, say officials
- We’re here: Young professionals discuss issues, challenges facing Adirondack Park
- Category: Small Businesses
- Category: Uncategorized
- Business Profile: Lyric Coffee House
- Are You Registered to Vote?
- Business Profile: peakquest
- Business Profile: The Caboose
- Business Profile: Semi-anonymous Business Opportunities
- Business Profile: Union Hall Inn
- Business Profile: Wilson Tile & Carpet, LLC
- Business Profile: WayNorth LLC
- Business Profile: Turtle Island Cafe
- Business Profile: Stillwater Hotel
- Business Profile: Saranac Hollow Woodworking/ Adirondack Hardwoods
- Business Profile: Rotella Pest Management
- Business Profile: Foote’s Port Henry Diner
- Business Profile: Plattsburgh Power Sweep
- Business Profile: Pedals & Petals
- Business Profile: Natural Nook
- Business Profile: Mountain Tomboy
- Business Profile: Mountain Frost 50’s Cafe and Creamery
- Business Profile: Monnat Woodworking
- Business Profile: Martin’s Marina
- Business Profile: Lakeview Motel and Apartments
- Business Profile: Lafave Automotive
- Business Profile: Indian Lake Restaurant
- Business Profile: High Falls Gorge
- Business Profile: G&S Plumbing and Heating, LLC
- Business Profile: Grindstone Farm
- Business Profile: Green Goddess Natural Market
- Business Profile: Good Bite Kitchen
- Business Profile: Garnet Studio
- Business Profile: Fire Tower Restoration Davana LLC
- Business Profile: Essex Marina
- Business Profile: Downtown Sports And Toys
- Business Profile: Decker’s Flats Greenhouse
- Business Profile: Brown’s Plumbing & Heating
- Business Profile: Adirondack Dental Health
- Business Profile: All in Glass Studios Too, Inc.
- Business Profile: Adirondack LogWorks
- Business Profile: Adirondack Country Store
- 2023 Clean Energy Conference Agenda
- Category: Whats Up North Blog
- Clean Energy Communities: Local Leaders Building a Strong Clean Energy Economy for the North Country
- Celebrating Indigenous Excellence
- Cultivating Community Leaders: BIPOC women find healing and connection at Adirondack retreat
- Building a Community-centered Strategy
- In Defense of the Climate Act: We Must Move Forward
- Made Here, Sold Here: How a Local Trade Show Helps Entrepreneurial Seeds Grow
- Soil Health and Why It Matters
- Quoting King: the Time is Always Right to Do What is Right
- Reflecting on Two Years: Building Business Resilience
- Neighborhood-scale Systems: Revolutionizing the World of Small-scale Composting
- Photo Gallery: Rain or Shine with Bike the Barns
- Exploring the Meaning of Wilderness
- Photo Gallery: 2023 Clean Energy Conference
- The Big Picture: Reflections on Setbacks, Successes and Funding Partnerships
- New Beginnings for Earth Day
- Photo Gallery: 2023 SCBO Conference
- Embracing Transitions as Opportunities
- Did You Know-Ho-Ho? How to Go Green This Holiday Season.
- Rebuilding Thanksgiving for All
- Fighting Over Dirty Dishes? Politics?: The power of naming feelings with Nonviolent Communication
- Digital marketing builds success for North Country small businesses and organizations
- The next generation: how you can support a vibrant future for North Country businesses
- 2021 Last-minute Support Local Holiday Gift Guide
- Risk and resilience: how businesses can survive and thrive post-COVID
- Business ownership: the key to retaining a young population?
- VIDEO: Ward Lumber becomes worker-owned cooperative
- Housing in the Adirondack region: one crisis away from crumbling
- Rural Americans are the future of the clean energy economy — policymakers must catch up
- ANCA Board Resolution on Bridging Divisions and Working Together
- Gratitude for Partnerships
- 2020 Last-minute Shop Local Holiday Gift Guide
- Buy Local or Bye-Bye Local
- ANCA Board Resolution on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- How can our communities fulfill the next generation of Adirondackers?
- From a homemade supply chain to a Fortune 500 company: here’s what I have learned
- The whale oil of our generation
- Commemorating Juneteenth
- Standing together. Learning together: working toward racial equity and structural change
- Dumping milk while people go hungry
- The Color of COVID Part One: Race, Class & the Coronavirus
- Equity & ecology in a post-pandemic world
- Supporting local communities in the age of COVID-19
- Your count matters
- Learning Downstream. Working Upstream.
- 2019 Last-minute Shop Local Holiday Gift Guide
- Local energy options for local communities
- Inspiration and gratitude: a Local Farm Challenge
- A whale’s tale: creating clean energy sustainability for the region
- Empowering Local Ownership: Building Local Wealth
- Inclusion, Diversity & the Future of Our Rural Communities
- Food brings people together
- The Future of Rural: Part 1
- A store built around community
- 2018 Shop Local Holiday Gift Guide
- Tapping the old economy in new ways: the Innovation Challenge in Greater Old Forge
- Solar keeps local food cool
- Coming to Grips with Large Solar
- POWER – owning our energy future
- Cryptocurrency & Blockchain: new words for the New Economy?
- Businesses in Transition: Senator Gillibrand and ANCA Join Forces
- Igniting the New Economy
- Rural Business Transitions and the New Economy
- Farm to School: A Case for State Support
- Growing the New Economy
- VIDEO: Small Businesses Breathe New Life into Historic Shirt Factory in Glens Falls
- Farm to… Adirondack Health
- The Upper East Side of New York State
- VIDEO: Strand Theatre of Old Forge showcases movies and history
- All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter
- NYS Maker Summit highlights New York’s maker movement
- Spring Fever for Small Business
- VIDEO: A Day in the Life of an Adirondack North Country Distiller
- There’s No Place Like Home
- Soapmaker. Pulse-taker. Mover and Shaker.
- A Winter Salad Grows in Madrid-Waddington
- VIDEO: A Day in the Life of an Adirondack North Country Sculptor
- The Hub on the Hill: Supporting jobs within an alternative economic model in the North Country
- Makerspace Movement in the Adirondack North Country
- VIDEO: A Day in the Life of an Adirondack North Country Farmer
- Bike’n the Barns
Job Opportunities
- Summer Trail Stewardship Interns
- Energy Efficiency Building Contractors: Request for Proposals
- Farm Manager
- DEI Program Manager
- Director of Government Relations
- Conservation Intern
- Adirondack Harvest Program Leader
- Campaign Director
- Project Leader - Home Energy Career Pathways Program
- Chief Financial and Operations Officer
- 2025 Trail Crew Members
- Housing Rehabilitation Specialist
- Office Coordinator and Database Manager
- Project Manager
- Content Manager
- Educational Farm Director
- Regional Manager of External Affairs, NY North Country Region
- Municipal Management Consultant
- Director of Communications
- Controller
- University Events Director
- Open Positions with North Country Building Contractors
- Energy Efficiency/Renewable Energy Contractor(s)
- Gearing Up for a Good Year
- Wrapping Up, Looking Ahead
- Creating Inclusivity
- Adirondack Diversity Initiative Booklet 2024
- Your Voice. Your Vote.
- Cultivating Community Leaders
- ANCA 2023 Annual Report
- Celebrating Community. Advancing Climate Action. Creating Inclusivity.
- Celebrating the ANCA Community. Standing Up for DEIB.
- Celebrating Pride, Freedom and the ANCA Community
- Building a Community for a Clean Energy Future
- Cooperatives, Compost, Clean Energy and More
- 2024 Adirondack Buyer Days Show Catalog
- Bring in Spring. Adirondack Buyer Days is Here!
- 2024 Adirondack Buyer Days Prospectus
- Black History Month and More
- Center for Businesses in Transition Five-Year Case Study
- The Time is Always Right to Do What is Right
- Reflecting Back. Looking Forward.
- Fall Vibes: Compost for Farms, Holiday Season Tours, Energy Saving and More
- ANCA CPR Closing Report
- Flower Shop Transition, Compost Revolution, Climate Smart Communities and More
- Annual Report, Fall Networking, Free Workshops
- ANCA 2022 Annual Report
- The Meaning of Wilderness, Welcoming and Belonging
- Building Belonging in the New Economy. Annual Meeting and More.
- Organics Reduction & Recycling Program
- Big Picture Thinking and the Power of Partnerships
- Budget Wins, Diner Transition, Conference Updates and More
- Celebrating Earth Week, Small Business Week
- Next Week's Buyer Days Show Plus Other News, Updates and Opportunities
- 2020 Annual Meeting Guide: Racial Equity
- CBIT Familiarization Tour
- 2023 Clean Energy Conference Prospectus
- Adirondack Buyer Days Show Terms 2023
- Embracing Transitions as Opportunities
- A Strong Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
- Looking Forward: a New Year with New Opportunities
- Rebuilding Thanksgiving for All
- ANCA 2021 Annual Report
- Exploring Housing Solutions Through Community Art
- Celebrating our community through stories
- Growing the New Economy of Tomorrow
- Imagine an Economy that Works for All
- Adirondack North Country for All
- Summer is here. Celebrate local businesses and communities.
- ANCA Launches SOIL Loan Fund for Farmers and Food Producers
- New Name and Host for Lake Placid and Saranac Lake Farmers’ Markets
- Digital marketing magic, budget news, small business opportunities and more
- Bike the Barns is Back
- Spring into markets, business opportunities & more
- Business-to-business Trade Show Connects Retailers and Makers
- Building entrepreneurial relationships. Adirondack Buyer Days and more.
- Business Buyers and Sellers Invited to Connect at Matchmaking Event
- The next generation of entrepreneurs
- Three Franklin County Businesses Transition to Next Generation of Entrepreneurs
- Reflecting back. Looking forward. Last-minute gift guide.
- ANCA Hires New Clean Energy Program Director
- ANCA 2020 Annual Report
- Show your love of small businesses
- Surviving and thriving post-COVID: building business resilience
- Fifty-two Officers Benefit from New Police Training
- Resilience through climate justice, business services, food security, diversity
- Circle Court Motel Transitions Ownership to the Next Generation
- ANCA Annual Meeting Focuses on Climate Justice
- Digging in: Climate justice, business succession, food festivals and more
- ANCA Board of Directors Hires Elizabeth Cooper as New Executive Director
- Resilience planning. Climate justice. Equity & inclusion.
- Celebrate summer with forward-thinking
- ANCA Awarded $1.2M for Pandemic Response Program
- Small Businesses Invited to Enroll in ANCA's Resilience Planning Program
- Big news for small businesses
- Press Release: Ward Lumber Transitions Ownership to Employees
- Vision, innovation, leadership: thank you Kate!
- ANCA Seeks New Executive Director
- Do rural areas hold the key to a resilient future?
- North Country Municipalities Invited to Apply for Clean Energy Funding
- David Heidecorn Joins ANCA Board
- ANCA's Annual Artisan Trade Show Goes Virtual
- Go BIG! News and opportunities for small businesses and local communities
- Small Communities. Big Opportunities.: CBIT announces virtual conference
- Adirondack Diversity Initiative Announces Community Policing Program
- A New Year: determination and gratitude for partnerships
- ANCA 2019 Annual Report
- How are you supporting local this holiday season?
- Successful Business Transitions are Bright Spots for 2021
- Do a little happy dance when you buy local
- ANCA Announces New Board Members at Annual Meeting
- Public Feedback Sought for Scenic Byway Signs
- Cornerstones of our communities: thank you for your support
- ON-RAMP Summit Will Advance Clean Transportation in the Region
- Centering Racial Equity for a Stronger Regional Economy
- Compost for Good Initiative Receives $20K Grant
- ANCA 2020 Annual Meeting: Racial Equity — Program Guide
- Commitment: the first step towards action
- ANCA Announces Five-year Goals Amid Multiple Crises
- Press Release: New Resources for Aspiring and Retiring Business Owners
- You're invited! Explore equity, energy and ownership.
- ANCA Clean Energy Director Named to NYS Climate Justice Working Group
- Changing business-as-usual systems: food, business, energy, justice
- Adirondack Diversity Initiative and ANCA Host Antiracism “Listen-in” Series
- Antiracism Events Announced for Summer 2020
- E-commerce Program Expands Markets for Local Businesses During COVID
- Action. Policy. Justice... and Whale Oil.
- ANCA Announces Local Food System Security Grant Recipients
- Re-localizing our food systems for resilience and security
- Rad Dad contest promotes #ClickLocal shopping
- Equity & ecology in a post-pandemic world
- ANCA Hires Local Food Systems Coordinator
- #ClickLocal May Buoy Small Businesses through COVID-19 Crisis
- ANCA 2020-2025 Strategic Plan
- Supporting local communities in the age of COVID-19
- Grant Program to Support Local Food System Amid COVID-19 Crisis
- Census countdown. Clean transportation summit. Entrepreneur opportunities.
- Press release: ANCA Announces Local Farm Grant Recipients
- Governor's Budget Includes Funding for Adirondack Diversity Initiative
- Press release: ANCA welcomes new board members
- ANCA Announces Clean Transportation Summit
- Downstream or upstream — where do YOU work?
- Adirondack Diversity Initiative Hires Director
- Center for Businesses in Transition Announces 2020 Partners and Programs
- Movers, shakers, farmers, makers — Thanks to all!
- ANCA Focuses on NYS Clean Energy Legislation at Annual Meeting
- Over $2M Invested in Clean Energy Projects Across North Country
- The New Economy ❤️'s Local Farms
- New York's new climate act takes center stage at ANCA Annual Meeting
- ANCA Launches Local Farm Grant Program
- At the ❤️ of the new climate legislation: communities and people
- Aspiring Entrepreneurs: Why Start Up When You Can Open Tomorrow
- Composters Turn Waste into Valuable Resource
- Bike the Barns takes a ride through Adirondack history
- How can we build local wealth?
- Adirondack Diversity Initiative Seeks Director
- Farm stops announced for 2019 Bike the Barns
- Hotel Saranac wraps up energy project with EV charging station
- 2018 Annual Report
- Potatoes and Pigs: Biking the Barns and other news
- Adirondack nonprofits welcome speaker Anthony Flaccavento
- Family Businesses Plan for the Next Generation
- Top 4 things you love; top 4 challenges you see
- ANCA announces 2019 FarmShare Fund recipients
- Generous Acts grant will help make purchasing local food easier
- Building economies that rebuild community
- Entrepreneurs share experiences at business transition workshop in Saranac Lake
- Battery storage study kicks off in Lake Placid and Tupper Lake
- Cooperative development leaders convene for North Country events
- Diversity and the future of rural places
- Press Release: Business transition workshops announced
- Press release: Annual trade show features new local products
- Press Release: Building owners and managers sought for energy assessments
- Food. It bring people together.
- FarmShare Fund grant program seeks applicants
- ANCA announces 2019 Bike the Barns location
- Press Release: Scenic Byways project hosts second public forum
- Movers & Makers. Who's driving the New Economy?
- Regional partners release economic report
- Community input sought for Scenic Byway project
- Rural America: on the rise?
- Holiday Therapy - Shop Local: Here's how it works
- Regional Economic Analysis of the Adirondack North Country
- Regional filmmakers present screening o"DENIAL" at clean energy event
- Clean Energy Economy Conference focuses on “disruptive innovation”
- Regional Center for Businesses in Transition launches 2019 programs
- Connect. Learn. Act. Disrupt!
- Mini grants help local food groups address food access in the North Country
- Grant program supports farm to school efforts
- Good grub, goat tees? Autumn up north.
- Regional resource for small business owners gains financial support
- Regional economic analysis and investment options revealed at ANCA annual meeting
- Keeping cool with solar
- Adirondack North Country Association welcomes new board member Edward Smoke
- Harvesting sunlight: good food, local energy, small farms
- Common Ground Alliance focuses on policy and impact in region
- 2017 Annual Report
- Bitcoin mining: threat or opportunity?
- Building levees against the “Silver Tsunami”
- Goats and More at Third Annual Bike the Barns
- Gillibrand, ANCA and Main Street Businesses
- Igniting the New Economy
- A growing market for products with a story
- Boom or Bust: Economic impacts of cryptocurrency
- Owning our future in the New Economy
- Take a bite: local foods in schools
- New initiative fires up local businesses
- So, what is The New Economy?
- Last-minute shopping? We can help.
- Old bones. New Economy.
- “Salad Made Simple” takes root in Watertown Schools
- Mini grants help area farmers supply schools with local food
- Clean Power - Food Power
- Pioneers of the New Economy
- “Creative Economy” event brings downtown revitalization experts to Saranac Lake
- Five regional leaders join ANCA’s board
- 2016 Annual Report
- The Upper East Side of New York State
- ANCA Executive Director Kate Fish joins NYSERDA’s Board of Directors
- Common Ground Alliance Forum convenes Adirondack leaders for action
- Bike the Barns offers new routes, farm stops for its second year
- Downtown revitalization presentation Tuesday
- Wow! Learn, invent, go green, shop local, bike some barns
- Vintage venues, small towns rising
- All that glitters...
- Spring Fever for Small Businesses
- Adirondacks in a Bottle
- Full Report: Northern New York's Forests: Timber Supply, Workforce, Infrastructure & Markets
- Executive Summary: Northern New York's Forests: Timber Supply, Workforce, Infrastructure & Markets
- ANCA Unveils New Clean Energy Platform
- February Local Economy News
- Local matters even more in 2017.
- Adirondack North Country Association Welcomes New Board Members
- Makerspace Event Brings Together Makers, Hackers, DIYers
- Bike the Barns Event Draws Cyclists, Locals, Visitors to Champlain Valley Farms
- Adirondack North Country Association Names Three New Board Members
- ANCA’s Annual Meeting Upends Assumptions about Rural Communities
- Bike the Barns Set to Ride During Fall Foliage Peak
- Adirondack North Country Association Welcomes Three New Board Members
- Bike the Barns to Support North Country Farms
- Bike the Barns to Support North Country Farms
- ANCA's Strategic Plan Sets Priorities, Goals to Guide Next Five Years
- City of Ogdensburg and Adirondack Coast Communities to Participate in Second Round Solarize Program
- Local Foods, Local Places Initiative to Bolster Agriculture & Economic Opportunities in Keeseville
- USDA to fund innovative Food Hub Project in the Champlain Valley
- ANCA's Board of Directors Elects New Officers
- ANCA Accelerates Local Economies
- Small Businesses Must Prepare to be Successful at Wholesaling
- Common Ground Forum to Focus on Building Vibrant Communities
- Mohawk Valley and North Country Regions Collaborate on 2015 Clean Energy Economy Conference
- ANCA and IRRC release guide to improving usability of sites along Scenic Byways
- North Country Communities to Take Part in Community Solar NY Program Supporting Growth of Photovoltaic Investment Under NY-Sun
- Blueprint for the Blue Line
- North Country Biomass Energy Value Chain Baseline Assessment
- North Country Regional Sustainability Plan
- Be a Byway Champion Invasive Species Alert
- Economic Impact of 36 Adirondack Nonprofits
- Explore Adirondack North Country Wildlife and Habitat
- Route Pittoreque Region Nord du Parc des Adirondacks
- Tamara Jolly
- John Holmlund
- Ashley Garwood
- Nicole Draina
- Keely Jock
- Jon Ignatowski
- Mahala Nyberg
- Tiffany Rea-Fisher
- Carlie Leary
- Schwartzberg, Audrey
- Richard, Lauren
- Reding, Melanie
- Perry, Jennifer
- Manion, Kim
- Li, Iris
- Hobbs, Zach
- Henck, Jill
- Griffin, Erin
- Bottcher, Caitlin
- Cooper, Elizabeth
- Bernstein, Nancy
- Arnold, Annie
- Energy Program Portfolio
- Energy Market Place
- Energy Projects
- Energy Circuit Riders
- About the Clean Energy Program
- Clean Transportation: the Adirondack ON-RAMP
- North Guide
- Improving Usability for All Visitors
- Makerspaces/Hackerspaces
- Go Digital or Go Dark
- Adirondack Regional Art Trail
- Northern New York's Forests
- COVID-19 response: resources for North Country businesses and communities
- Ignite!
- Adirondack Buyer Days
- North Country Center for Businesses in Transition
- Locally Grown
- Keeseville Local Foods Local Places
- Drive for 25 Farm to School Grant
- Local Farm Grant
- Local Food System Security Grant
- SOIL Loan Fund
- Digital Marketing and Empowerment Series
- Leadership Development Workshop Series
- Food Business Lab Course
- 2025 ANCA Clean Energy + Small Communities. Big Opportunities. Conference
- Project Ready: Strategies for Securing Grants and Loans
- Mastering Membership Growth: Strategies for Attracting, Retaining, and Thriving
- 2024 Adirondack Diversity Initiative Symposium
- Lowering Barriers Through New Lending Opportunities Webinar
- 2024 ANCA Annual Meeting
- 2024 New York Cooperative Summit
- Build a Better Booth Workshop
- Strategies for a Successful Wholesale Show Workshop
- Virtual Matchmaking Event for Business Buyers and Sellers
- Role of a Real Estate Professional in a Business Transition Webinar
- Fall 2023 Compost for Good Events
- Brownfields: The Basics Workshop
- Grant Writing 102
- 2023 ANCA Annual Meeting: Building Belonging in the New Economy
- Bookkeeping Practices for Small Businesses Webinar Series
- Aerated Static Pile Workshop
- Welcoming and Belonging in the Workplace
- Nonviolent Communication Workshop
- Clean Energy Conference
- 2023 Small Business Workshops
- Participatory Management for Small Businesses
- Small Communities. Big Opportunities: Own a North Country Business Conference
- Grants 101
- 2022 ANCA Annual Meeting
- Building Welcoming & Belonging in the Workplace
- Communicating for Change Summit
- Cooperative Housing Learning Sessions
- Free Virtual Clean Energy Trainings
- Dreaming of Home: A Community Art Project to Share Housing Issues and Cooperative Solutions
- Adirondack Buyer Days
- Bike the Barns